To fulfill these conditions and modern security systems, automatics of facility and its expanded installations should be managed and controlled from one place by means of guaranteeing easiness and quickness of integrated systems service.
Technical and fire protection security systems SMS (Security Management System) and PSIM (Physical Security Information Management) we integrate in terms of one control and security management of facility system.
Due to scalability of systems which we provide, it is possible to secure and manage, large, wide-spread complexes of facilities from one central or multispace operating station. Whereby scalability of such a system allows for extension of it later to consecutive systems or areas to be secured.
In terms of one SMS or PSIM we integrate:
- technical security systems including among the others: access control systems, perimeter protection systems, visual monitoring systems, drone and anti-drone protection systems as well as other subsystems included in area of secured facility
- fire protection systems, among the others: early detection of smoldering phase systems, fire alarm systems, extinguish systems etc.
- automatics installed in facility
- other specialistic systems which facility is equipped with
Due to applied integration of security systems we will accomplish:
- level increase in security of facility simultaneously decreasing costs connected with separate systems service
- increase in ergonomics of used facility
- automatization of many processes thanks to communication between several subsystems
- coherent visualization of states and processes going in facility, decreasing possibility of mistake and time needed for danger detection
- optimization of time needed for staff training
If you have any questions, please contact us. We will willingly dispel any doubts.